Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Tue, 05/03/2022 - 13:38 | In
Sestini & Co news
Sestini & Co continues to develop, with our latest move to establish a new office in Jermyn Street, St James’, London in the first quarter of 2022.
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Tue, 10/29/2013 - 8:43 | In
I don’t know if I’ve been a bit slow to catch on, but all of a sudden, it seems as though Business Hubs, Impact Hubs and Co-working spaces are everywhere.
I’m not complaining, I think they are a fabulous idea.
It is also an idea of it’s time. As technology and business practice produce ever more ways for people to freelance, set up their own business or simply work flexibly, there is an increasing number of people spending at least some of [- -]