Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Tue, 07/14/2015 - 7:11 | In
Analysis of the impact of the summer 2015 budget on landlords and how this supports aspiration
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Thu, 07/09/2015 - 16:58 | In
Budget summary, summer budget speech by George Osborne July 2015
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Wed, 07/01/2015 - 12:29 | In
Listen to this blog here:
Here at the Sestini & Co office we are enjoying the beautiful weather and speculating on what the Summer Budget next week may bring.
Capital Gains Tax
The Conservative manifesto promised to build a strong economy whilst committing to no increases in VAT, National Insurance contributions or Income Tax. The only mention of Capital Gains Tax, however, is in relation to the ability to transfer ISAs to your spouse tax-free. This makes me question whether there will [- -]
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Wed, 07/01/2015 - 9:16 | In
Listen to this blog here:
Despite letters from HMRC on the doormat, Bill Turnbull and Louise Minchin reminding you while you eat your breakfast and the billboards demanding your attention on your way to work, some people still miss the Self Assessment filing deadline.
Those taxpayers that have been issued with a Self Assessment Tax Return have until 31st January following the end of the tax year to submit their Tax Return electronically. Submission beyond this date will lead to a £100 [- -]
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:04 | In
A review of the recent tax announcements by various political parties for the new tax year
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Fri, 03/20/2015 - 20:15 | In
There was much excitement* on Wednesday when the death of the (annual) self assessment tax return was announced. I experienced a fleeting moment’s thought as my self assessment tax return list flashed up in the recesses of my brain and I wondered how business would look without that work cycle every year.
But of course, income reporting for personal tax and tax computations are not going to go away. Although the announcement and paperwork released to date is short on detail, [- -]
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Wed, 03/18/2015 - 17:00 | In
A few thoughts on the key savings and pensions measures announced today:
The new help to buy ISA announced today provides an additional opportunity for tax-free savings with the added incentive of a bonus of up to £3,000 after 5 years provided the savings are used by a first-time buyer to purchase a property, as long as the property is worth up to £250,000 outside of London and £450,000 in London:…
Broadly, individuals can save up to £200 per month (with an initial [- -]
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Wed, 03/18/2015 - 14:04 | In
An end of parliamentary term Budget is always an interesting one, will the incumbents play safe to avoid upsetting the apple cart or will they pull a few prize rabbits out of the hat to woo the uncertain? And how many cliches will be trotted out and repeated – Northern Powerhouse, anyone?
Among the headlines:
the personal allowance to rise to £10,800 and £11,000 next, with a £12,000 allowance potentially on the horizon;
threshold for 40% rate to rise to £43,300 by 2017/18;
up to £1,000 [- -]
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Sat, 03/14/2015 - 20:06 | In
Spring is in the air, and with the end of the tax year rapidly approaching now is the perfect time for a spring clean of your finances and an opportunity to make use of this year’s allowances before the 5th April deadline. With expertise in personal tax planning, estate planning and overseas tax, Rachel Sestini shares her ten tips for end of year financial planning:
1. Make use of your Capital Gains Tax (CGT) allowance of £11,000 for the year. If [- -]
Submitted by
Sestini & Co | on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 8:10 | In
It’s most certainly that time of year again….Christmas is becoming a distant memory, all but one of the New Year’s resolutions has fallen by the wayside and certain TV and radio channels and billboards are awash with people telling us how much better we’d feel if we had submitted our Self Assessment returns.
Statistics show that only 3-4% of the total Self Assessment returns filed are actually late, but of the remaining 96-97%, a huge proportion tend to be submitted in January [- -]